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Direct selling purchasing skills of plastic bottle manufacturers

Plastic bottle packaging is widely used in many fields, such as food, chemical industry, cosmetics, medicine and so on. After years of development, there are more and more plastic bottle manufacturers in China. According to the most professional bottle trading platform in China: China packaging bottle network, there are thousands of plastic bottle manufacturers in China. These plastic bottle manufacturers have several outstanding features. The first characteristic is that the general scale is not large, most of the employees are below 50, the overall strength is weak, and they are facing development pressure. The second characteristic is that the manufacturers of these plastic bottles are lack of brand awareness and well-known brands of plastic bottle manufacturers.

Therefore, domestic plastic bottle manufacturers have serious homogeneous competition and uneven quality. So, what are the skills for manufacturers of plastic bottles to purchase? Today, China packaging bottle net tells you a few tips. The first is the quality of plastic bottle manufacturer's products. Directly observe the blowing effect, whether the surface is smooth, whether the extrusion will sag, etc. The second is the scale of plastic bottle manufacturers. It's better to visit them and find out. Too small manufacturers try not to cooperate, which is related to the later supply problems. The third is the price. We need to compare more. There are a lot of plastic bottle manufacturers on the Chinese packaging bottle website. You can choose more than one to make a comparison.

Do not blindly place an order, spend more time to investigate and understand. This is an important skill for the manufacturers of plastic bottles to purchase directly

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